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Lathe Machine

Popularly known as mother of all machines, a Lathe Machine is a versatile machinery on which various tasks can be performed. These machines find significant use in the metalworking, metal spinning, wood working, thermal spraying and glass working sectors. Geared for various small and large functions, this multipurpose  machine can handle operations related to sanding, grooving, chamfering, cutting, drilling, knurling, facing, forming, etc. Products like bowls, crankshafts, camshafts, table legs, candlestick holders, etc., can be crafted using such Lathe Machine. All parts and components including bed, headstock, spindle, carriage, tailstock, tool post and tool rest of the machine are durable and built to withstand heavy duty usage.

Key Product Features:

1) Headstock can be rotated at different rpm (rotation per minute) as per application.
2) Extra heavy duty designs and various models on offer.
3) Top notch quality raw materials used for machinery manufacturing.
4) Can be configured to client's desired specs.